What It is All About
Youth Leadership Eau Claire (YLEC) is a program that gives area high school students a chance to enhance their knowledge and develop leadership skills that will empower and motivate them to become involved and committed to their community. Students from Altoona, Augusta, Fall Creek, Eau Claire Memorial, Eau Claire North, Eau Claire Virtual School, Regis, or Wildlands Charter school are eligible to apply. This program is in partnership with the Eau Claire Area School District.
Youth Leadership Eau Claire (YLEC) is a program that gives area high school students a chance to enhance their knowledge and develop leadership skills that will empower and motivate them to become involved and committed to their community. Students from Altoona, Augusta, Fall Creek, Eau Claire Memorial, Eau Claire North, Eau Claire Virtual School, Regis, or Wildlands Charter school are eligible to apply. This program is in partnership with the Eau Claire Area School District.
Application Process
Applications are accepted in the spring of each year and are due by the first week in May.** The "Class of 2025" refers to the year the student will graduate from our YLEC Program. Students eligible to apply are current sophomores that will be going into the 11th grade for the 2024-2025 school year**
Applications are accepted in the spring of each year and are due by the first week in May.** The "Class of 2025" refers to the year the student will graduate from our YLEC Program. Students eligible to apply are current sophomores that will be going into the 11th grade for the 2024-2025 school year**
How the Program Works
Participants attend a two-day opening retreat and eight one-day sessions over a nine-month period.
In addition to an opening retreat in the summer, YLEC hosts eight one-day sessions once a month on Wednesdays from 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. No session is held in January. Each session offers a hands-on experience and a unique opportunity to interact with different industries & community leaders. The class will participate in an activity and discussion focusing on a variety of leadership principles. In addition, students will be exposed to different career opportunities. Participants are required to provide their own transportation to the Chamber office or other designated meeting places.
In addition to an opening retreat in the summer, YLEC hosts eight one-day sessions once a month on Wednesdays from 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. No session is held in January. Each session offers a hands-on experience and a unique opportunity to interact with different industries & community leaders. The class will participate in an activity and discussion focusing on a variety of leadership principles. In addition, students will be exposed to different career opportunities. Participants are required to provide their own transportation to the Chamber office or other designated meeting places.
YLEC Class of 2025 Program Days take place on the following dates:
- Opening Retreat: Wednesday, July 24 - Thursday, July 25
- Agriculture & Environment Day: Wednesday, September 11, 2024
- Arts & Tourism Day: Wednesday, October 2, 2024
- Volunteerism & Human Services Day: Wednesday, November 6, 2024
- Government & Law Day: Wednesday, December 4, 2024
- Business & Industry Day: Wednesday, February 5, 2025
- Health & Quality of Life Day: Wednesday, March 5, 2025
- Media Day: Wednesday, April 2, 2025
- Graduation Day: Wednesday, May 7, 2025
Participants are required to attend all program days. Attendance will be taken and reported back to the high schools. The superintendents of the participating schools have approved all program session days as excused school absences.
For more information on Youth Leadership Eau Claire, please contact Kaitlyn Molis.
Program of:

Follow us on Instagram: @youthleadership_eauclaire