Youth Apprenticeship (YA) is a highly successful talent acquisition strategy in which employers hire high school juniors or seniors for a one or two-year apprenticeship. During the apprenticeship, the student continues toward high school graduation and takes courses related to the profession as a way of enhancing what is being learned on the job.
Learn more about the youth apprenticeship program, how to become a youth apprentice, and the requirements to be a youth apprentice.
Learn more about the benefits of being a youth apprentice employer, responsibilities, and the requirements to be a youth apprentice employer.
Occupational Pathways
Careers have been organized into 11 clusters based on common knowledge and similar skill requirements. Within each cluster there are pathways that break those careers down further into smaller groups.
Choosing a career path can feel like a daunting process at times and that is why it is important to consider what career clusters could be a good fit and explore on a broader scale first, sort of like testing the water before getting in.
Career clusters are a framework that allows us to examine areas of interest without having to choose a specific career right away. Youth Apprenticeship offers several career programs to pursue. The options may vary depending on the offerings for your local area.

Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources


Hospitality, Lodging & Tourism


Architecture & Construction


Human Services (NEW)


Arts, A/V Technology and Communications

Government & Public Administration (NEW)

Information Technology

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)

Business Administration

Health Science

Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security (NEW)

Transportation, Distribution & Logistics (TDL)
- Kayla Loewenhagen, Fall Creek Schools (Youth Apprenticeship Coordinator)
- Michelle Radtke, (Academic Services Coordinator)
- Brittnie Holden, Memorial High School (Youth Apprenticeship Coordinator)
- Doug Devine, North High School (Youth Apprenticeship Coordinator)
- Christian LeSac, Regis Schools (Academic & Career Planning Coordinator)